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    February 2025
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  • The Paschal message of His Eminence Metropolitan Vladimir

    “Rejoice in the Lord always: and again I say, Rejoice!”

    (Philipians 4, 4)

    Most Reverent arch-pastors, righteous priests and deacons,

    reverend monastics, faithful Christians,

    The bright Feast of the Resurrection of our Lord gives us the joy of greeting you with the angelical blessed news:

    Christ is Risen!

    The glorious and praiseworthy Apostle Paul calls us to rejoice in our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ, the One who was crucified and rose from the dead, the One who trampled death and defeated the hades. A faithful human being, pure in spirit, the one who does hunger and thirst after righteousness (Matthew 5, 3-6) of God, does not seek gladness and sense of life in the corn and wine that increased (Psalm 4, 7), nor is satisfied with earthly and mercantile gladness, but rather, the joy of their soul is Jesus Who won victory over death, Who lifted up the light of His countenance upon us (Psalm 4, 6) through His Resurrection.

    Living in the light of the Resurrection, faithful Christians give themselves over to Christ Who is the Resurrection and the Life and the Repose of all. They are no longer held by the fear of this world that tends to be increasingly violent, is not overcome by sadness and despair that come from the instability and incertainty of the society, but live with the joy and hath God of Jacob for his help, whose hope is in the Lord his God (Psalm 146, 5).

    A faithful Christian shares this love and hope with everybody: with the family and community, with brothers and relatives, with the close and with the distant ones, with those who are dear and those who they are upset with. Enlightening with the feast (Paschal Stichira), they seek to defeat the hades of hatred and offense. They ask forgiveness and forgive everything. They do not remember old things, nor recollect offenses. They consider everything unworthy to preserve, if these things destroy love between brothers. Lost money, wounded honour, ruined carrier, hampered winning in competitions – none of these prevent the faithful from forgiving, everything for the sake of Resurrection (Paschal Stichira). In the light of the Resurrection, the faithful seek peace with everybody. Renouncing to all these and forgiving, one can ascend to the Kingdom of God, while exaggerating their value and preferring them instead of Christ’s peace between brothers, people can find themselves cast into outer darkness (Matthew 22, 13).

    My beloved brothers and sisters, those within the country and in the diaspora,

    The Feast of Holy Pascha is the Day of the Kingdom of God, prepared from the foundation of the world (Matthew 25, 34) for those who labour acts of love for the neighbour.

    My dear, let us not become strangers to each other, and not become enemies due to ephemeral things, for Divine Word says, for what shall it profit a man if he shall gain the whole world, and lose his own soul? (Mark 8, 36). Let us not lose our souls to hatred, but gain the Kingdom of God with love, living in peace the day which the Lord hath made; so that we rejoice and be glad in it (Psalm 118, 24).

    Indeed He is Risen!

    With love in the Risen Christ,


    Resurrection of the Lord,

    Year of Salvation 2019,
