The Orthodox Church entered into bright and at the same time solemn period of the Great Lent, preparing for the Feast of Feasts – the Holy Resurrection of Christ.
Thus, in the evening on Sunday, 17th of March, the Metropolitan celebrated the Vespers Service at the Metropolitan Cathedral in Chisinau, with the rule of Forgiveness, where hundreds of clergymen and lay believers participated.
On the first four days of the Great Lent, following the tradition and rule of the Church, His Eminence Vladimir, assisted by Cathedral clergy, read the Great Canon of St. Andrew of Crete.
On Wednesday and on Friday – the feast of 40 Holy Martyrs of Sebastia – His Eminence celebrated the Liturgy of Pre-sanctified Gifts, and on the First Sunday of the Great Lent, called the Triumph of Orthodoxy, Metropolitan Vladimir celebrated the Liturgy of St. John Chrysostom.
The First Sunday of Great Lent is a very special day, when world Orthodoxy celebrates the Divine Truth communicated to Christians during 7 OEcumenical Councils, held in response to heresies that emerged over time. The day of Orthodoxy is traditionally celebrated by the Church on the First Sunday of Great Lent, commemorating the events of 843, when the veneration of Holy Icons was restored, reinforcing the decision of the Seventh OEcumenical Council of 787.
This day symbolizes the welcome with which the Church greets all those who fell out from its teaching, expecting them to come back and give glory to God – Holy Trinity.