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    July 2024
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  • The First Hierarch of the Orthodox Church of Moldova participated in the service of the great consecration of the Transfiguration of the Lord Cathedral in Bolgrad, Ukraine.

    On the 18th Sunday after the Pentecost, 30 September 2018, the First Hierarch of the Orthodox Church of Moldova, His Eminence Metropolitan Vladimir, participated in the great consecration of the Transfiguration of the Lord Cathedral in Bolgrad, Ukraine, upon the invitation of Metropolitan Agafangel of Odesa and Ismail.

    The service of the consecration of the Holy Table and the Divine Liturgy were celebrated by His Holiness Theodore II, Patriarch of Alexandria and all Africa, who prayed in a synaxis of arch-pastors, priests, and deacons.

    Among participants at the celebrations were Mr. Emil Rapcea, General Consul of Romania in Odesa, Mr. Igor Plohoy, the main ctitor of the renovation works in the Cathedral of Bolgrad, deputes in the Ukrainian Supreme Rada, and members of Bolgrad region administration.

    At the end of the service, His Beatitude Onufry, Metropolitan of Kyiv and all Ukraine, thanked His Holiness Patriarch Theodore II of Alexandria and all Africa for the uttered prayers in the support of the right-faithful people of Ukraine.

    Patriarch Theodore addressed a message of spiritual consolidation and encouragement in this challenging period for the Ukrainian Orthodox Church.

    Metropolitan Vladimir of Chisinau and Moldova congratulated the liturgical community, underlining the role and arch-pastoral efforts of Metropolitan Agafangel of Odesa and Ismail in the pastoring of thousands of Orthodox Bulgars and Moldovans who live in South Basarabia.

    Metropolitan Agafangel thanked His Holiness Patriarch Theodore, the hierarchs, the clergy, and numerous guests present at the anniversary liturgy on this historical day in the life of Bolgrad citizens.