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    October 2024
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  • Scientific symposium “The Orthodox Church on the territory between Prut and Dniester: 1813-2013” was held in Chisinau

    Two centuries ago the Diocese of Chisinau and Hotin was founded – an event that determined a new turn in the spiritual life in Basarabia. On this occasion, Moldova State University, in partnership with the Center for Imperial Studies Chisinau-Oradea, held an international scientific symposium entitled “The Orthodox Church on the territory between Prut and Dniester: 1813-2013”. The event included two days of activities and scientific presentations and discussions – 14th and 15th October.


    On the first day, the participants attended the Divine Liturgy celebrated at the Meeting of the Lord university chapel, followed by a pilgrimage to several monastic settlements in Calarasi and Orhei regions.

    On 15th October morning, following a Te-Deum service, the scientific part of the event was inaugurated.

    The participants included Mrs. Otilia Dandara, MSU Pro-rector, Mitr. Archpr. Vadim Cheibas, Secretary of the Metropolis of Moldova, Pr. Aurel Pavel, Dean of Theological Faculty of Sibiu, Romania, and Mr. Ion Gumeny, Dean of History and Philosophy Department, MSU.

    The plenum discussions were moderated by the University’s priest Octavian Mosin, who thanked all participants for their efforts in the organization of this symposium on ecclesiastic matter that, in fact, is a first event of this kind in the University academic environment.

    In his greeting message, father Octavian mentioned the following: “This spring we invited several clergymen and researchers to make a presentation on ecclesiastic life in our land during the recent two hundred years. Over 60 researchers responded to our call and sent us their presentations. We have local and foreign speakers. We were provided useful and previously unknown to the broader audience information from Romanian colleagues from Sibiu, Iasi, Craiova, Vaslui, as well as from a number of researchers from Ukraine and Russia. Some of them kindly accepted our invitation and came to present their researches in this symposium, for which we thank them cordially. The participants of this event include over forty clergy and researchers, so the works of this symposium will have double dimension – scientific and spiritual.

    The presentations followed of Academics Andrei Esanu and Nicolae Dabija. The first talked about monastic settlements, especially Capriana Monastery, and the second presented facts from soviet era when clergy and laity – including the Academic’s uncle, Fr. Serafim Dabija – suffered repressions.

    University Professor Ion Eremia referred to the historical context at the moment when the Diocese was founded.

    The participants then grouped by topical workshops. Church institutions and personalities were presented. Most discussions covered the time when Metropolitan Gavriil Banulescu-Bodoni pastured the Church. Discussions were held about spiritual life of Gagauz and Bulgarian people in Basarabia. Problems and challenges faced by the Church were discussed.

    Numerous philologists participated at the event, referring to the specific of books and local church language.

    At the symposium the volume that included all articles was launched. Its issue was coordinated by pr., Dr. Octavian Moshin and Dr. Ion Gumeny.

    Closing the event, the participants gave glory to God, thanking for the efficient progress of the symposium activities.