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  • Archives

    February 2025
    M T W T F S S
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  • Round table discussion “Suicide of children: between figures and solutions” held in Chisinau Municipal Department for Child’s Rights Protection

    Chisinau Municipal Department for Child’s Rights Protection organized a round table discussion on the topic “Suicide of children: between figures and solutions”. The goal of this meeting is to raise public awareness and identify joint solutions in order to ensure the fulfillment of the child’s inalienable right to life.

    In her opening message, Mrs. Svetlana Chifa, Head of the MDCRP, presented the statistical information about suicide cases at national and global scale.

    Mrs. Liliana Zaborot, Psychiatrist at Clinical Hospital of Psychiatry, talked about psychological aspects and factors pushing children towards suicide, forms of suicidal behavior, and psychological consequences of suicide attempts.

    Priest Octavian Mosin from theSocialCenter“Agapis” talked about suicide, from the perspective of Christian morale, sharing experiences of overcoming suicide attempts through spiritual therapy.

    Mrs. Diana Besleaga, psychologist at Municipal Department of Education, Youth, and Sport, referred to methods of evaluation of suicide risks and to supervision and identification of factors that point to suicidal behavior among children and young people.

    Mrs. Mariana Onceanu-Hadirca, from the TV and Radio Coordination Council, made a presentation about mass-media coverage of child-related cases and the role of mass-media in raising social awareness.

    During the discussions that followed the presentations, suggestions were made to create a work group involving decision-makers to monitor and prevent this social disease.