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    February 2025
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  • Pilgrimage to the Holy Land, on the steps of our Saviour Jesus Christ

    Thursday, 8 December started the pilgrimage of the delegation of the Orthodox Church of Moldova to the Holy Land, organized by the pilgrimage centre “Orthodox Pilgrim” of the Metropolis of Moldova.

    The delegation of clerics and laity, headed by H.E. Metropolitan Vladimir, will have an opportunity to visit and venerate holy sites and shrines, such as:

    Jesusalem: the Tomb of the Lord, Golgotha, the Stone of unction, the Chamber of the Last Supper, the place of the Dormition of the Mother of God, Mount Elion (the place of the Ascension of the Lord), Getsimani Garden, the Tomb of the Mother of God, Vithesda, the Road of Passions (Via Dolorosa);

    Bethlehem: St. Theodosius Monastery, St. Sava the Sanctified Monastery;

    Hebron: The Mamre Oak;

    Galilee: Nazareth, Lake of Tiberias, Cana of Galilee, Mount Tabor, Capernaum, Magdala;

    Jordan, Ierihon: Mount of Temptations, Monastery of Rev. Gherasim of Jordan, Monastery of Hozevits, Mount of Judea – the place of birth of St. John the Baptizer, Lida, Jaffa.

    For centuries, holy places attracted numerous pilgrims who have always fulfilled with emotions and joy their dream of stepping on the road of the One who discovered unspoken love of God and gave us the blessing of the life eternal, through His Resurrection.

    Increasing numbers of pilgrims from our country have visited the Holy Land in recent years. Many of them are encouraged and supported by the pilgrim Centre “Orthodox Pilgrim” of the Metropolis of Moldova.

    And because we are all pilgrims in this world, heading towards the Heavenly Jerusalem, we call the Stranger of the road to Emaus – our Lord Jesus the Resurrected, to accompany in this pilgrimage our Hierarch, just like He accompanied once his disciples Luke and Cleopas, strengthening him in this way in the witnessing of the Orthodox Faith.
