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    October 2024
    M T W T F S S
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  • On the Second Sunday after the Resurrection, His Eminence Metropolitan Vladimir officiated at the Metropolitan Cathedral in Chisinau

    On the Second Sunday after the Resurrection of the Lord (The Sunday of St. Thomas the Apostle), the Metropolitan of Chisinau and all Moldova, His Eminence Vladimir, celebrated the Holy and Divine Liturgy at the Metropolitan Cathedral “Nativity of the Lord” in Chisinau.

    The Archpastor was joined by Protopriest Vadim Cheibaș, Metropolitan Secretary and Cathedral Dean, and a choir of priests and deacons.

    During the commemoration service, His Eminence officiated at the memorial of the dead in the hope of resurrection and eternal life.

    With His Eminence’s blessing, the Gospel reading from John 20, 19-31, was read by Father Vadim Cheibaș, upon which he delivered a message of evangelical teaching. Fr. Vadim mentioned:

    This Sunday is called St. Thomas’ Sunday because the second main character in this Gospel, besides the Saviour Jesus Christ, is St. Thomas. The Holy Gospel showed believers the importance of confessing the faith. Therefore, in order to assure Thomas of the reality of His resurrection like the other disciples, after eight days, the Saviour Jesus Christ once again appeared to His Apostles, also passing through the locked doors and standing in their midst He said to them, ‘Peace be with you’, but now He addressed Himself in a special way to Thomas saying, ‘Bring your finger this way and see My hands and bring your hand and place it in My side and do not be unbelieving but believing’. (John 20:27) Through the entrustment of St. Thomas the Apostle, all believers are invited to be convinced of the resurrection of Jesus Christ.

    Synodal Sector of Institutional Communication and Mass-Media Relations