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    February 2025
    M T W T F S S
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  • On the Ninth Sunday after Pentecost, Bishop Siluanof Orhei, officiated at the Metropolitan Cathedral in Chisinau

    “When we have hope in God as our foundation, then we are founded on a rock, and though the winds blow and the rains fall, they will not overthrow us. But when we are grounded on hope in our endeavors, our foundation is on the sand, and then we will easily fall.” (Archim. Ephrem the Philothelite)

    On the Ninth Sunday after Pentecost, with the blessing of His Eminence Metropolitan Vladimir, the First Hierarch of the Orthodox Church of Moldova, His Eminence Siluan, Bishop of Orhei and Metropolitan Vicar, celebrated the Holy and Divine Liturgy at the Metropolitan Cathedral of the Nativity of the Lord in Chisinau. The bishop was joined by the priests and deacons of the Cathedral.

    The Gospel reading of this Sunday, following the miracle of the multiplication of the loaves of the previous Sunday, speaks of another miracle, namely the walking of Christ on the Sea of Galilee during a storm and its calming.

    Christ’s walking on the troubled sea, his entering into the ship to calm the fear of the disciples who were alone, and the calming of the storm, beyond the simple account of miracles that entrust us with the Godness of the Savior Christ, convey a powerful message of the hope and trust that we must continually have in God’s care for his creation, but also of the strong faith that we must show in the face of God’s great mercy in spite of all challenges.

    After the reading of the Gospel fragment, Bishop Siluan addressed a message of pastoral guidance to those present, speaking about the main spiritual teachings of the Gospel fragment. “Without faith and trust in God we cannot overcome all the problems of life. We can save ourselves from the waves that surround us by prayer, by trusting in the One who always takes care of us. Let us remain in the saving ark of the Church of Christ, for only in this way can we face any trials,” said the Hierarch of Orhei.

    Let us therefore calm our souls in the face of the storms of life, listening to and understanding in the midst of the waves the words of the Lord: ‘In the world you will have tribulation, but be of good courage. I have overcome the world (John 16:33). Let us hope in his help to fulfill his commandments, let us know that he gives us the strength to go out to sea and fascinated by his masterly love we can affirm with Peter and the other disciples: Truly you are the Son of God (Matthew 14, 33).

