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    March 2025
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  • On the Fourth Sunday of Pascha, Metropolitan Vladimir of Chisinau and all Moldova celebrated the Divine Liturgy in the representation parish of the Orthodox Church of Moldova in Moscow

    23 May 2021, on the Fourth Sunday of Pascha, His Eminence Vladimir, Metropolitan of Chisinau and all Moldova, celebrated the Divine Liturgy in the Holy Trinity Church in Moscow – a representation of the Orthodox Church in the Capital of Russia.

    The priests and deacons of the holy shrine assisted Metropolitan Vladimir at the service, praying together with the parishioners.

    Liturgical responses were provided by the parish choir directed by Larisa Artiushenko.

    After the Communion, the liturgical community followed Metropolitan Vladimir in a Cross Procession around the parish church, with Gospel Reading and prayers.

    Thanks-Giving prayers were uttered upon the Liturgy dismissal.

    Metropolitan Vladimir addressed a message of greeting and pastoral guidance, thanking the participants for the prayers.

    Synodal Sector of Institutional Communication and Mass-Media Relations.