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    February 2025
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  • Nativity of the Lord celebrated at the Metropolitan Cathedral

    On the morning of the Nativity of Christ, His Eminence Metropolitan Vladimir, accompanied by numerous clergymen, celebrated the Divine Liturgy, in the presence of multitude of church-goers.


    Among the officials present at the Divine Service on this great Feast at the Cathedral were President Nicolae Timofti, Prime Minister Vlad Filat, and others.

    The Pastoral message of His Eminence Metropolitan Vladimir was read out during the service, mentioning: “The Nativity of the Messiah means the beginning of salvation of the human kind. By the embodiment, death, and resurrection of Christ, the world was shown visibly the love of God-Father in the world, the Sun of Truth shone, and the gate of the eternal heavenly kingdom opened, as it previously had been closed because of the ancestral sin.

    Every time we celebrate the Nativity of the Lord, our minds and hearts are overwhelmed by piety for the miracle that took place in Bethlehem cave, and by deep thankfulness to our Heavenly Father and the Mother of the Lord, through whom this unspoken joy came onto us.

    The Feast of the Nativity of our Lord Jesus Christ, this great feast of entire Christianity, gives us an opportunity to become spiritually closer to each other, to thank God for His mercy to His people and sending His Son, “to be born, to grow up, and to save us”.

    At the Christmas service, deacon Veaceslav Lungu was ordained archpriest and appointed to serve in the Cathedral of the Nativity of the Lord. His Eminence Vladimir congratulate father Veaceslav and wished him to incessantly pray to Lord Christ and His Mother, to grand him help in making many blessed achievements for the inheritance of the Heavenly Kingdom.

    After the Liturgy, His Eminence congratulated all Christians on this great feast, wishing them to experience in their hearts the greatness and beauty of the event, in the light of the teaching of the Church and our ancestral traditions.

    The Metropolitan also congratulate Mrs. Margareta Timofti, wife of the President Nicolae Timofti, on her birthday, presenting her with a beautiful icon of the Lord and His Immaculate Mother, and wishing her long life, health, and harmony, under the blessing of All-Merciful God.

    A traditional festive reception was held in the MetropolitanPalace after the Divine Service, where top state officials, diplomats, ambassadors accredited in the Republic of Moldova were invited.