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  • Metropolitan Vladimir officiating at the Patron Feast of the Annunciation Parish in Chisinau

    Thursday, 7th  April 2022, on the Feast of the Annunciation of our Most Holy Lady Theotokos, the first hierarch of the Orthodox Church of Moldova celebrated the Divine Liturgy in the Annunciation Parish in Chisinau.

    Hundreds of faithful church-goers arrived in the parish church to celebrate their Patron Feast on the Annunciation of the Mother of God and share their spiritual joy with Metropolitan Vladimir and numerous clergy.

    The hierarch was assisted at the Liturgy by archpriest Vadim Cheibas, Dean of Sector 1 Chisinau Circumscription, archpriest Victor Mihalas, the parish rector, and numerous priests and deacons.

    Metropolitan Vladimir awarded several church distinctions to a number of priests during the Feast. Thus, Fr. Victor Mihalas, parish rector, was distinguished with the 2nd category Order of Holy Hierarch Petru Movila, archpriest Petru Stratan, cleric of the parish, was distinguished with the 1st category medal of Gavriil Banulescu Bodoni, and priest Mihail Mihalas, cleric of the parish, received the right of wearing Palitsa and Cross with Jewels.

    After the Liturgy, Metropolitan Vladimir came up with a message of pastoral guidance, speaking about the significance of the day.

    In sight of high appreciation of the support provided to the parish, His Eminence Vladimir decorated a number of ctitors with church awards.

    All participants received small icons and prayer books for the memory of the holiday.

    Synodal Sector of Institutional Communication and Mass-Media Relations