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    July 2024
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  • Message of His Eminence Metropolitan Vladimir concerning LGBT solidarity pride

    After a two-year pause, Moldova Pride festival is to be held in Chisinau by the LGBT community

    During recent years, the Metropolis of Moldova repeatedly insisted that the authorities deny the organization of such marches. We have called both the state authorities and the members, supporters, and promoters of the LGBT community to quit this project as it represents a public insult to religious cults particularly and the society in general.

    According to Art. 8 of the Law of meetings, the authorities have full right to ban the organization of this activity that attempts directly at the public morality and flagrantly violates the principle of “liberties of other persons”. At the same time, the Constitution of the country expressly stipulates in Art. 48 that “The family shall be founded on a freely consented marriage between man and woman, on their equality of rights and on the right and obligation of parents to ensure upbringing and education of their children”.

    This parade of the minorities abusively and publicly defies the values of the majority of our society.

    The organizers of this parade and their foreign mentors should already be acquainted with the realities in our country and society, based on experience of previous years, for such actions have always provoked danger, violence, and altercations on both sides.

    There is no legal, moral, or rational background allowing the mobilization and support of our local public authorities for this absurd manifestation. We call the municipal authorities to stop by all means the promotion of non-traditional behaviours, and by this, outrageous sins, that increasingly inundate our country.

    In this context, on behalf of the Orthodox Church of Moldova and the citizens of this country, we appeal to the authorities to stop this destructive scourge that stains the morality of our society declared orthodox and supportive of family values.

    Hoping that this appeal will be heard by the central state and local public authorities, we wish You right and wise thinking for the making of healthy decisions for the benefit of the nation and the country.


     †  VLADIMIR,