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    October 2024
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  • His Eminence Vladimir participated in the episcopal ordainment of Archimandrite Longhin (Jar)

    On the feast of the Translation of the relics of St. Hierarch Nicholas, H.E. Metropolitan Vladimir participated in the Divine Liturgy at the Monastery of St. Pantelimon, Kyiv. At this Divine Service, Archimandrite Longhin (Jar), hegumen of the “Ascension of the Lord” monastery in Banceni, Cernauti region, was ordained bishop.

    The Liturgy was celebrated by His Beatitude Metropolitan Vladimir of Kyiv and All Ukraine, assisted by numerous group of arch-pastors, priests, and deacons.

    The newly ordained bishop will be vicar of Cernauti Diocese.

    The hierarch of the Orthodox Church of Moldova congratulated Bishop Longhin, on behalf of the Metropolis of Moldova, appreciating high achievements in the building of a monastic complex and consolidation of the monastic settlement in Banceni village.

    Bishop Longhin (Jar) was born in 1965 in Hertsa raion,Cernauti,Ukraine. Graduated Chisinau Theological Seminary that was then hosted by the New Neamt Monastery, and later graduated the Theology Department of Cernauti. In 1996 – tonsured in monasticism, and later ordained and appointed hegumen of Banceni monastery.

    Shortly, an impressing monastic complex was erected, the monastery taking care of over 400 orphan and disabled children