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    July 2024
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  • His Eminence Metropolitan Vladimir officiated the commemoration service for the soldiers fallen in the Dniestrian war

    2 March 2017 marks 25 years after the beginning of the fratricide war between the inhabitants of banks of the Dniester River, a conflict that caused numerous deaths and left a deep and still bleeding scar on the body of the country.

    This sad anniversary gathered numerous Dniester war veterans and relatives of civil and military casualties at a memorial service officiated by His Eminence Metropolitan Vladimir in the St. Theodore of Tyre (Ciuflea) Monastery in Chisinau, proving vivid memory of those who sacrificed their lives for the sovereignty and integrity of the Republic of Moldova.

    Present at the service were Minister of Internal Affairs Mr. Alexandru Jizdan, chiefs of divisions of the central staff of the MIA, authorities and representatives of structures subordinated to the MIA, administration of civil organizations of veterans, who expressed solidarity with the heroism of those who fought for the peace of our people.

    Addressing to those present, Metropolitan Vladimir mentioned that love of Nation, Motherland, and Faith often needs to be demonstrated by facts of self-sacrifice. His Eminence also said that those alive have a Christian and patriotic duty of commemorating those fallen in mission, striving to preserve living memory of those who demonstrated bravery, courage, and faith.

    Note: The armed conflict on the Dniester River started on 2 March 1992. The ceasefire agreement was concluded on 21 July 1992 by the Republic of Moldova and the Russian Federation. According to official data, 29 thousand of persons participated in the military conflict, 287 of them died in mission. On 26 February 2010 the Parliament of the Republic of Moldova declared 2 March a Memory Day.

    Synodal Sector of Institutional Communication and Relations with the Mass-Media