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    October 2024
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  • His Eminence Metropolitan Vladimir celebrated the Divine Liturgy in Hagimus monastery, Causeni

    His Eminence Metropolitan Vladimir, Primate of the Orthodox Church of Moldova, celebrated on Friday, June 21, the Divine Liturgy at the monastery  of Holy Myrrh-bearing Women Martha and Mary in Hagimus, Causeni.

    The Archpastor was joined by Rev. Archimandrite Andrei (Cotruța), the monastery’s confessor, Rev. Arch. Paisie (Cecan), abbot of the monastery of Chitcani, protopriest Vasile Damschin, protopope of Causeni and a council of priests and deacons.

    The divine service was attended by: Rev. Hegumeness Marta (Cușnir), abbess of the host monastery, Mr. Ion Asaftei, president of Neamț County Council, Mr. Alexandru Catan, president of Causeni district, staff of regional institutions, the monastic community and the faithful who came to pray.

    In his speech, the Metropolitan thanked Mother Hegumeness, the monastic community, the faithful, and the officials present, for the work done in this monastic oasis, for the beautiful things and for the prayers unceasingly raised for peace, for the country and its people.

    Mr. Ion Asaftei and Mr. Alexandru Catan, thanked His Eminence Metropolitan Vladimir and all those present for the beautiful liturgy, for the joy of communion with Christ the Lord and for the joy of being there on a feastday and historic event for the monastery and the country. The high guests offered the Primate a gift of a painting of Saint Stephen the Great.

    After the celebration of the Divine Liturgy, His Eminence Metropolitan Vladimir accompanied by the Mother Abbess Marta, father – confessor of the monastery, Archimandrite Andrei, the priests and all those present, went to the wooden church, gift of the monastery of Putna, where the earth capsule from the tomb of the Holy Venerable Saint Stephen the Great was buried in the foundations of the church, which by that act had become a foundation of His Majesty through the descendance of Putna, but also of the Christian faithful everywhere.

    Synodal Sector for Institutional Communication and Media Relations