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    October 2024
    M T W T F S S
  • Archives

  • His Eminence Metropolitan Vladimir at the 24th anniversary of Arch-pastoral service


    Your Eminence!

    On the day when Your Eminence, with the help of God, have come to Your 24th anniversary of service at the Holy Altar as Archpastor, please allow us to most heartily congratulate You and with You spiritual and bodily health, Heavenly protection from any delusion and temptation, and may the Lord preserve Your Eminence at the helm of the vessel of the Orthodox Church of Moldova, with the same kindness, wisdom, and steadiness that has characterised You for these two decades.

    Twenty-four years ago You were appointed Bishop of Chisinau and Moldova, and Your Eminence have worked with self-denial to consolidate faith on our land and to bring people back to the holy matter. This blessed work of Your Eminence continues with the same devotion today, when You are the Metropolitan of Chisinau and All Moldova, which makes us profoundly grateful to You. Please receive our assurance of our sonly obedience, for the multiplication of all good and soul-edifying acts.

    May the Most Holy Mother of the Lord be Your fervent intercessor before the Heavenly Throne, guiding and consolidating You for many happy years.

    With utmost respect and sonly obedience,

    Collaborators of the Metropolitan Administration.