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  • Archives

    July 2024
    M T W T F S S
  • Archives

  • H.E. Metropolitan Vladimir received at the Metropolitan Residence H.G. George of Siemiatycze, Vicar Bishop of Warsaw Diocese


    Tuesday, 15th November, His Eminence Metropolitan Vladimir received at the Metropolitan Residence His Grace Bishop George of Siemiatycze, Vicar of Warsaw Diocese (Orthodox Church of Poland), in-charge with the missionary activity in the Army Forces

    Present at the meeting was Archimandrite Nicolae (Rosca), Chairman of the Synodal Sector of Pastoral Activity in the structures of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, Archpriest Corneliu Dobrogeanu, Chairman of the Sydal Sector of Pastoral Activity in the structures of the Ministry of Defence, and a group of military priests from Moldova and Poland.

    Bishop George thanked the Hierarch of the Moldovan Church for warm hospitality exhibited during His Grace’s stay in our country. The Polish hierarch expressed high appreciation of the ministry of Moldovan priests who perform their mission with much devotion in the structures of the Force Ministeries and Penitentiary Institutions.

    In his turn, Metropolitan Vladimir thanked Bishop George for the participation in the national conference of military priests, especially for the considerable contribution to the promotion and practical application of Christian values among the military.

    Synodal Sector of Institutional Communication and Relations with the Mass-Media