If therefore your eye is good, your whole body will be full of light (Matt. 6: 22)
Metropolitan Vladimir of Chisinau and all Moldova celebrated the Divine Liturgy on the 3rd Sunday after Pentecost in the Nativity of the Lord Cathedral in Chisinau.
The Sunday coincided with the Feast of the Nativity of St. John the Baptist.
The first hierarch of the Moldovan Church was assisted at the Divine Service by Vicar Bishop Ioan of Soroca and the synaxis of priests and deacons of the Cathedral.
Liturgical responses were provided by the Cathedral Choir directed by Mrs. Angela Angheni.
Today’s Gospel Reading concludes with the Lord’s words: “Seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness, and all these things shall be added to you” (Matt. 6: 33). Lord Jesus Christ teaches us care for perishing things is vain. Vain is the care for useless things that perish once with us. Vain is any concern if one does not seek God, but selfishly pursues only personal interest.
Holy Fathers call us to turn back to God, to prayer, to God-pleasing things. To start and finish anything with God. To do whatever we need to do, with the idea of God and thinking whether our thoughts, words, and acts are virtuous and God-pleasing.
This Sunday coincided with the Feast of Holy Prophet John the Forerunner and Baptist of the Lord. St. John was the last of the prophets of the Old Testament, who preached the coming of Lord Jesus Christ. He was born before Christ and called the Hebrew to prepare for His coming, to make his ways smooth. St. John was attributed the title of Baptizer because he baptized people in sign of repentance, and baptized the Lord to mark His coming for the salvation of the world.
Synodal Sector of Institutional Communication and Mass-Media Relations.