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    March 2025
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  • The Second Sunday of Advent: Metropolitan Vladimir officiated the Divine Liturgy in the Nativity of the Lord Cathedral in Chisinau

    The 24th Sunday after Pentecost, 5th December 2021, His Eminence Metropolitan Vladimir of Chisinau and all Moldova celebrated the Divine Liturgy in the Metropolitan Cathedral of the Nativity of the Lord.

    Archpriest Vadim Cheibas, Cathedral Dean, and the clergy of the Holy Shrine concelebrated to the hierarch. Archpriest Teodor Tihon, father-confessor of the First Church Circumscription of Chisinau, received the confession of the clergy and lay church-goers.

    Liturgical responses during the service were provided by the Cathedral choir directed by Angela Angheni.

    With the blessing of His Eminence Metropolitan Vladimir, father Vadim Cheibas delivered the message of arch-pastoral guidance, explaining the Sunday Gospel Reading on the Parable of the rich man who gathered big harvest.

    Secularized man who builds his life on his own values, not relying on God the Creator of the Heaven and Earth and Giver of all gifts, is compared to the rich man who gathered big harvest. He does not thank the Lord for the abundance, but is busy with building new storage places for the gifts of the nature. His main concern is gathering material goods and improving his own material life in order to get more pleasure.

    During the Service, the hierarch prayed together with the clergy and God-loving laity for the protection from disease and strengthening in hardship, for the support in gaining spiritual virtues and ascension in the hope of the life eternal.


    Synodal Sector of Institutional Communication and Mass-Media Relations.