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  • The Nun Paraskeva, the Heavenly Patron of Moldova

    Commemorated on October 14

    The Nun Paraskeva the Serbian was born into a pious Bulgarian family, living during the XI Century in the village of Epivato, betwixt Silistra and Constantinople. One day, while listening to Divine-services, the words of the Lord pierced her heart like an arrow: “Whoso doth wish to come follow Me, let him deny himself” (Mt. 16: 24). From that time she began to give away her clothing to the needy, for which reason she endured much grief from her family. Upon the death of her parents, the saint was tonsured into monasticism and withdrew to the Jordan valley, where she famously asceticised into old age.
    But two years before her death an Angel appeared to the Nun Paraskeva and bid her return to her native-land, which she did. The saint died peacefully. Her relics, resting at the Saint Paraskeva Cathedral in  Iasi, are marked by incorruptibility and many an healing.


    © 1996-2001 by translator Fr. S. Janos.

    Holy Trinity Orthodox Church, Baltimore, USA


    Saint Paraskeva the New was born into a pious family, living during the eleventh century in the village of Epivato, between Silistra and Constantinople. Her older brother Euthymius became a monk, and later he was consecrated as Bishop of Matidia. One day, while attending the divine services, the words of the Lord pierced her heart like an arrow, “If any man will come after Me, let him deny himself” (Mt. 16:24). From that time she began to distribute her clothing to the needy, for which reason she endured much grief from her family.

    Upon the death of her parents, the saint was tonsured into monasticism at the age of fifteen. She withdrew to the Jordanian desert where she lived the ascetic life until she reached the age of twenty-five. An angel of the Lord ordered her to return to her homeland, so she stayed at Epivato for two years.

    St Paraskeva departed to the Lord at the age of twenty-seven, and was buried near the sea. Because of the many miracles which took place at her grave, her relics were uncovered and found to be incorrupt. They were placed in the church of the Holy Apostles at Epivato, where they remained for about 175 years.

    St Paraskeva’s relics were moved to Trnovo, Bulgaria in 1223 and placed in the cathedral. Patriarch Euthymius wrote her Life and established the day of her commemoration as October 14. The Turks occupied Bulgaria in 1391, and her relics were given to Mircea the Elder, Prince of the Romanian Land (one of the districts of Romania). In 1394 the relics were given to Princess Angelina of Serbia (July 30), who brought them to Belgrade. For 120 years St Paraskeva’s relics rested in Constantinople in the patriarchal cathedral.

    On June 13, 1641, her incorrupt relics were transferred to the monastery of the Three Hierarchs at Jassy in Rumania, where many healings took place. On December 26, 1888, after being rescued from a fire, St Parasceva’s relics were moved again. This time they were placed in the new cathedral at Jassy, where they remain until the present day.