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    October 2024
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  • Patron Feast celebrated at the New Neamt Monastery

    In an atmosphere of utmost spiritual joy, the brotherhood and pilgrims of the New Neamt Monastery gathered at the Divine Liturgy celebrated by His Eminence Metropolitan Vladimir on the Feast of the Ascension of the Lord – patron Feast of the Monastery.

    At the Divine Service, deacon Valentin Rusu was ordained priest for the parish of the Ascension of the Lord in Horodiste village, Rezina raion, and Mihail Lungu was ordained deacon. On this blessed occasion, the Hierarch wished the newly-ordained servants of the Holy Altar that in their earthly life they resemble the holy apostles of our Lord Jesus Christ, who preached the right faith even to self-sacrifice.

    For the efforts made for the prosperity and glory of the Orthodox Church of Moldova, a number clergymen were rewarded with church distinctions.

    After the Divine Liturgy, the Metropolitan headed a procession around the Cathedral of the Monastery, followed by all clergymen, monks, and lay Christians present. Later, His Eminence Vladimir, assisted by all priests present, celebrated the service of commemoration of the reposed in Christ Bishop Dormedont (Cecan), followed by the Metropolitan’s congratulation message to the monastic settlement and pilgrims of the monastery, mentioning outstanding importance of the monastery and special merit of Archimandrite Paisie (Cecan), hegumen of the settlement. The special greeting of the holiday, “Christ Ascended!” was received with much joy, to which all those present answered “Truly He Ascended! Father Paisie (Cecan), thanked the Hierarch for the congratulated, ensuring His Eminence of further zeal and sonly obedience.

    Before departure, the Metropolitan distributed crosses, prayer books, church calendars, to all those present at the Feast.