On March 10, 2024, on the Sunday of the Dreadful Judgment, the First Hierarch of the Orchodox Church of Moldova, His Eminence Metropolitan Vladimir, celebrated the Divine Liturgy in the Church of the Holy and Life-Giving Trinity in Konkovo, Moscow – Representation of the Orthodox Church of Moldova.
The Archpriest was joined in the divine service by the priests who served him: hieromonk Efrem (Rusu), deacon Victor Postica, priest Nicolae Cosneanu, deacon Alexandr Volkov and deacon Vasile Golban.
Liturgical responses were provided by the parish choir, conducted by Mrs. Larisa Artiusenko.
Parishioners, benefactors, and ctitors of the Holy Trinity Church in Konkovo attended the service.
The Sunday of the Last Judgment (meet-fare Sunday) is the third Sunday of the Triodion Book. This Sunday is also called the Meet-fare Sunday, as it is traditionally the last day to eat meat products before Easter. In the week that follows, Orthodox Christians abstain from eating meat, but still eat dairy products, eggs, and fish.
At the end of the Liturgy, Metropolitan Vladimir delivered the homily, after which he blessed the faithful present at the service.
The Arch-pastor then congratulated Maria Ivanovna Borisova and presented her with a letter of thanks for her contribution over the years and for her help to the church on her 90th birthday.
Synodal Sector for Institutional Communication and Media Relations
with reference to https://trinitykonkovo.ru/