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    March 2025
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  • Metropolitan Vladimir celebrated the Divine Liturgy in the Nativity of the Lord Cathedral in Chisinau, on the Sunday of Myrrh-bearing Women

    To the myrrbearing women at the sepulchre an Angel appeared and cried: Myrrh is fit for the dead, but Christ has shown Himself a Stranger to corruption. So cry: The Lord has risen, granting to the world great mercy. (Troparion, Tone 2)

    30 April 2023, On the Sunday of Myrr-bearing Women, the Third Sunday after Holy Resurrection, numerous church-goers gathered in the Nativity of the Lord Cathedral to participate in the Divine Liturgy together with Metropolitan Vladimir and the cathedral clergy.

    The arch-pastor was assisted at the Divine Service by archpriest Vadim Cheibas, Cathedral Dean and Metropolitan Secretary, and the priests and deacons of the holy place.

    The Holy Myrrh-bearing Women were like the wise virgins with lighted lamps who went out to meet the Risen Bridegroom Christ with myrrh to anoint the body of the Saviour. The holy women filled their vessels with precious nard myrrh through Christian virtues, through prayer and humility, through silence and good manners, through discretion and sanctity, which is why today they are worthy to be remembered in the calendar of the Orthodox Church.

    In his homily, His Eminence spoke of the angel’s entrustment of the Myrrh-bearing women to the Lord’s Resurrection when they came to the tomb on the third day to anoint His body with myrrh. At the same time, he pointed out that the Sunday of the Myrrh-bearing Women is a day of celebration for all Christian women, having them as an example to follow.

    “The fact that our Church celebrates today the Holy Myrrh-bearing Women, we could consider this Sunday as Christian Women’s Sunday. Therefore to you ladies, who often fill the church in much greater numbers than men, we wish you – Long live! May God bless you for the presence, sacrifice and holy warmth with which you fill our churches.

    May the Most Loving God help us to learn from the Myrrh-bearing women the courage to seek Christ in prayer, the strong faith in His Resurrection and the joy of meeting Him every Sunday and feast in His Church, to the glory of the Most Holy Trinity and to our salvation. Amen.”

    Synodal Sector of Institutional Communication and Mass-Media Relations