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    January 2025
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  • Metropolitan Vladimir celebrated the Divine Liturgy in the Memorial Cathedral of Holy Prince Stephan the Great

    Friday, 15 July 2022, on the Feast of Holy Prince Stephan the Great, His Eminence Vladimir, Metropolitan of Chisinau and all Moldova, officiated the Divine Liturgy and participated in the Patron Feast of the Memorial Cathedral at the Ministry of Defence.

    Thus, on Friday morning, Archimandrite Nicolae (Rosca), spiritual administrator of the Monastery of Ciuflea and the person in-charge with the construction of the Memorial Cathedral, together with military priests, greeted Metropolitan Vladimir and honourable guests. The procession laid flowers at the monument of Stephan the Great, and the Divine Liturgy began.

    After the service, Metropolitan Vladimir congratulated the liturgical community on the Patron Feast, mentioning not only the courage and heroism of Stephan the Great as political leader, but also his spiritual virtues, Christian humility and faithful service. Stephan the Great won very many battles with the Turks, defending the country, its people, and Orthodox faith. Whenever he lost a battle, he received it with humility, considering it a punishment of the nation for its sins.

    Present at the event, Minister of Defence, His Excelence Mr. Anatolie Nosatii, mentioned that the Holy Prince Stephan the Great is a model of heroism, courage, and devotion, that should inspire any military person.

    The Minister also mentioned that the significance of this event can hardly be overestimated, as the Cathedral situated on the territory of the Ministry of Defence commemorates all soldiers who had fallen in battle.

    It should be mentioned that the commemoration event was held within the Agreement of collaboration between the Ministry of Defence and the Metropolis of Chisinau and all Moldova signed on 26.02.2020 and the action plan for the promotion of spiritual education and religious assistance within the National Army for years 2021-2031 approved by the two institutions.

    Synodal Sector of Institutional Communication and Mass-Media Relations