Great are the accomplishments of faith!/ In the fountain of flame, as in refreshing water, the holy martyr Theodore rejoiced;/ for, wholly consumed by the fire he was offered as sweet bread unto the Trinity.// By his prayers, O Christ God, save Thou our souls!
(Troparrion of St. Theodore of Tyre, Tone 4)
On the feast day of the Holy Great Martyr Theodore of Tyre, Sunday, 2nd March, Ciuflea Monastery celebrated its patronal feast. On this occasion, His Eminence Metropolitan Vladimir officiated the Holy and Divine Liturgy, assisted by His Eminence Anatolie, Archbishop of Cahul and Comrat, His Eminence Marchel, Archbishop of Bălți and Fălești, His Eminence Nicodim, Archbishop of Edineț and Briceni, His Grace Ioan, Bishop of Soroca and Drochia, His Grace Nicolae, Bishop of Ceadîr-Lunga, Vicar of the Diocese of Cahul and Comrat, His Grace Patrocl, Bishop of Dondușeni, Vicar of the Diocese of Edineț and Briceni, Protopriest Oleg Vieru, Dean of Criuleni and Dubăsari, military chaplains, deacons, and the faithful congregation.
The Primate of the Orthodox Church of Moldova, together with the assembly of hierarchs and priests, officiated a memorial service for the repose and forgiveness of the sins of those who selflessly fought for the sovereignty and integrity of the Republic of Moldova and who fell in battle, followed by the Divine Liturgy.
The commemorative event was also attended by Mr Igor Grosu, Speaker of Parliament, Mr Anatolie Nosatîi, Minister of Defence, Mrs Daniela Misail-Nichitin, Minister of Internal Affairs, members of the law enforcement forces, combatants, veterans of the conflict, as well as relatives and close ones of the soldiers who fell in the line of duty.
All those present prayed for peace upon our country and the entire world, as well as for the souls of the fallen heroes, that God may grant them rest in His Kingdom. Eternal remembrance to them.
After the Holy Liturgy, a thanksgiving service was officiated, following which Metropolitan Vladimir congratulated Vlădica Nicolae, who received his baptismal name in honour of St Theodore of Tyre, as well as all those celebrating their patron saint today. The Hierarch also addressed the congregation with an archpastoral message on the Holy Great Martyr Theodore, the protector of Ciuflea Monastery, and on the importance of commemorating the brave heroes of the nation, keeping their memory and example of valour, courage, and faith alive.
Sector for Synodal Institutional Communication and Media Relations