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    October 2024
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  • His Eminence Metropolitan Vladimir officiated on Patronal Feast of the Monastery of the Nativity of the Mother of God in Curchi

    “Today the barren gates are opened and the divine gate of virginity is revealed, from which and through which God, who is beyond all that there is, will come bodily into the world, as Paul, who heard the unutterable things, says.” (St. John Damascene)

    Every year, on September 21, when the Orthodox Church celebrates the Feast of the Nativity of Ever-Virgin Mary, the first Great Feast at the beginning of the Church year, the Curchi Monastery puts on festive clothes.

    On this blessed occasion, the Holy Liturgy was celebrated by His Eminence Vladimir, Metropolitan of Chisinau and All Moldova, assisted by: Archbishop Anatolie of Cahul and Comrat, Bishop Siluan of Orhei and hegumen of Curchi Monastery, Bishop Filaret of Căpriana, Bishop Nicolae of Ceadir-Lunga, vicar of the Diocese of Cahul and Comrat, protopriest Vadim Cheibash, metropolitan secretary, hieromonk Iov (Urum), secretary of Bishop Kiril of Serghiev Posad and Dmitrov, as well as a large number of priests and deacons from the Orthodox Church of Moldova.

    The President of the Orhei Rayon, Mr. Vasile Adasan, as well as other representatives of the local authorities, founders and numerous Christians from our country were present at the celebration.

    During the divine service, the Primate of the Orthodox Church of Moldova ordained Silvestru Rodnițchi, a 2022 graduate of the Faculty of Orthodox Theology at the A. I. Cuza University of Iasi, as deacon.

    Today we commemorate the marvelous birth of the Most Blessed Virgin Mary, the moment from which begins the life full of holiness of the one who has been granted to be the Mother of God. Archimandrite Zacharias Zacharou summarizes her life full of divine grace: “The life of the Blessed Virgin was prophetic, because she was not only visited with the Holy Spirit at the Annunciation, but she was also replenished with the Holy Spirit during all her life. Better to say, she was carried and guided by the Holy Spirit. The birth of the Virgin Mary was in itself a miracle. Her parents were barren, but just and faithful. Their life of prayer and holiness made a barren womb bring forth a glorious fruit, the Mother of God”.

    We celebrate the coming into the world of her who was, is, and will be, the Most Blessed Virgin, the Queen of all Saints, the Advocate of sinners, the Helper of sinners, and the Helper and Prayer for all men, the Mother of our salvation, who is more honorable than the Cherubim and greater in stature than the Seraphim, whom we praise and will honor forever and ever.

    At the end of the Divine Service, a thanksgiving Te-Deum service was officiated, after which Metropolitan Vladimir congratulated all those present on the Feast, wishing them to remain always under the holy protection of the Blessed Virgin. At the same time, the hierarch noted that this feast is particularly important for the community of the Curchi Monastery, which honors its Heavenly Patroness, wishing long live to His Grace Siluan, the hegumen of this Holy Monastery, and the monastic community to always have the help and intercession of the Mother of God.

    His Grace Siluan thanked all those present, the Primate, the hierarchs, the ministers, the guests, the founders and the Christian faithful for the prayers and Eucharistic communion.

    Synodal Sector for Institutional Communication and Media Relations