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    October 2024
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  • His Eminence Metropolitan Vladimir officiated in the parish Great-Martyr George in Telecentru district of the capital

    “You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind (…) Love your neighbor as yourself.” (Mt. 22:37-39)

    On the fifteenth Sunday after the Holy Spirit, His Eminence Metropolitan Vladimir, Primate of the Orthodox Church of Moldova, celebrated the Divine Liturgy in the parish Holy Great-Martyr George in Chisinau’s district of Telecentru.

    With the blessing of the Metropolitan, the ordinance of consecration of the Holy Table was officiated by His Eminence Nicolae, Bishop of Ceadir-Lunga, vicar of the Diocese of Cahul and Comrat, this is the first consecration of the Prestol officiated by His Grace.

    Numerous clergy concelebrated to the Metropolitan: His Eminence Archbishop Anatolie, Archbishop of Cahul and Comrat, His Grace Nicolae, Bishop of Ceadir-Lunga and diocesan vicar, Protopriest Vadim Cheibais, Metropolitan Secretary and Dean of Chisinau, sector 1, Protopriest Oleg Vieru, Dean of Criuleni and Dubasari, Protopriest Daniel Grigori, parish priest of the church, and other priests and deacons invited to the celebration.

    At the Small Entrance during the Liturgy, in sign of appreciation of the work done on the construction of this church, His Eminence Metropolitan Vladimir awarded ecclesiastic distinction to the parish rector, protopriest Daniel Grigori – the right to serve the Divine Liturgy with the Holy Doors open until the Lord’s Prayer “Our Father”.

    After the divine service, the church was surrounded in a hymn-singing and Gospel-reading procession, then Te-Deum Laudamus service was officiated, praying for health and expressing thanksgiving to the Lord for all the help and blessings received since the building of this church.

    In conclusion, Metropolitan Vladimir congratulated all the parishioners of the parish on the occasion of this great and significant day in which the consecration of the Holy Altar took place, which is the essential element of the church building, while the founders of the church, at the report of the parish rector, received medals and diplomas in recognition of the work done in the construction and arrangement of this shrine.

    Synodal Sector for Institutional Communication and Media Relations