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    October 2024
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  • His Eminence Metropolitan Vladimir officiated in the church of St. Prophet John the Baptist in the community of Grătiești, Chisinau municipality

    This year, the parish of Holy Trinity in the village of Grătiești, Chisinau, celebrates 120 years since foundation of its church, on this occasion, on Sunday morning, September 22, His Eminence Metropolitan Vladimir was welcomed at the entrance to Grătiești community by the mayor, Mrs. Olga Caraman and local councilors.

    The hierarch then was conducted to the church of the Holy Prophet and Forerunner John where he celebrated the Holy and Divine Liturgy.

    The arch-pastor was welcomed by the parish priest of this church, the hieromonk Agafanghel (Plesca) and by a multitude of faithful who came to pray.

    The Divine Liturgy began with the Consecration of the interior of the church.

    During the Small Entrance, the Metropolitan decorated with clerical distinctions the parish priest of the community,  hieromonk Agafanghel, with the right to wear palitsa and the cross with precious stones, and the clergymen: protopriest Mihail Spînu – the right to wear the mitra, priest Ioan Novac was promoted to the step of protopriest, in gratitude for the work done in the parish entrusted to them for pastoration.

    Today’s Divine Service was embellished by the ordination of the subdeacon Mihail Condrea, a third year Theology student, to deaconal service.

    The Divine Liturgy was followed by consecration of the religious monument representing the Savior bearing the Cross, placed in front of the church.

    For the work done in the parish, its founders and benefactors were distinguished with medals and diplomas of gratitude.

    At the end, as a blessing, the Archpastor offered to all the faithful icons and prayer booklets in sign of spiritual commemoration of this wonderful and historic event in this parish.

    Synodal Sector for Institutional Communication and Media Relations