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    October 2024
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  • His Eminence Metropolitan Vladimir celebrated the consecration of the church of Archangel Michael and Gabriel in Puhăceni village, Anenii Noi district

    The First Hierarch of the Orthodox Church of Moldova, His Eminence Metropolitan Vladimir, officiated on Thursday, September 19, on the Feast of the Commemoration of the Miracle of St. Archangel Michael at Colose, the consecration of the Holy Table and the chapel in the basement of the church of St. Arch. Mihail and Gavriil in Puhăceni village, r. Anenii Noi.

    In the morning, the Hierarch was welcomed with great joy by protopriest Petru Oltu, dean of the churches of the  Anenii Noi region, the parish priest, Toma Lungu together with his family, an assembly of priests, and parishioners of this community

    Today’s Divine Service began with the ordinance of consecration of the Holy Table, which cannot be missing in any church, as it is the image of the life-giving tomb of Christ.

    During the Divine Liturgy, at the Small Entrance, the parish rector, protopriest Thoma was decorated by His Eminence with three clerical honors in gratitude for his hard work on the construction of this church, and was awarded the right to wear the palitsa, the cross with precious stones and the mitra.

    The liturgical responses were given by the choir “Mihail Berezovschi” conducted by Mr. Dimitrian Albot.

    Today, for the first time in the history of this church was celebrated the Holy Liturgy by an Archpriest, on the occasion of this event, His Eminence, officiated the ordination of deacon Iulian Gherghilijiu on behalf of the parish of Holy Great-Martyr George in Chisinau.

    After the celebration of the Holy Liturgy, a Te-Deum service was officiated, giving thanks to the Lord for all the blessings that take place in this parish, then the Metropolitan congratulated the faithful present on the occasion of this landmark event in the history of their church.

    In his turn, the parish priest thanked His Eminence for his kindness in sharing the liturgical joy of the feast of the consecration of the church with the Christians of this parish.

    The Metropolitan gave icons and prayer booklets to the Christians present as a sign of spiritual growth and remembrance of this historic event that took place today in this parish.

    Synodal Sector for Institutional Communication and Media Relations