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    January 2025
    M T W T F S S
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  • His Eminence Metropolitan Vladimir, Arch-pastor of the Orthodox Church of Moldova, celebrates the 28th anniversary of Episcopal ordination


    Your Eminence,

    With the mercy and will of All-Merciful God, it is now 28 years since You started Your Archpastoral mission on the way of spiritual guidance of the God-loving and right-faithful people of Moldova, doing it with Christian humility, wisdom, and love.

    This period has become historical in the ecclesiastical life of our people, because, being guided by our Lord Jesus Christ, inspired by brotherly love, you managed to overcome the most difficult moments of the life tempests, consolidating the foundation of our Holy Orthodox Church, after a long period of persecution and unrest.

    By Your Eminence’s personal example of diligence, devotion, and abnegation, you gathered the clergy and the people around the most sacred ideals that have played and are still playing crucial role of our society, in the name of the Living Truth.

    Your Eminence,

    On this bright holiday, we sincerely congratulate You, in our hope that for long and happy years All-Good and All-Powerful God and His Most Pure Mother protect You and guide Your thoughts and acts for the good work and care of the Lord’ Vineyard, under Your Arch-Pastoral guidance of our salvation-striving nation.






    With sonly obedience and utmost respect,

    Team of the Metropolitan Office