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1 Piata Marii Adunari Nationale, Chisinau, Tel: (+373) 22-61-94

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    March 2025
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  • Heaven on earth: nocturnal Liturgy celebrated in the Church of Resurrection of Christ in Jerusalem

    On the 26th Sunday after the Pentecost, His Eminence Metropolitan Vladimir of Chisinau and all Moldova officiated nocturnal Liturgy in the Church of the Resurrection of Christ in Jerusalem, together with His Eminence Aristobul, Arch-Bishop of Madaba (Jerusalem Patriarchate), His Grace Sioniu, Bishop of Velicia (Bulgarian Patriarchate), His Grace Ioan, Bishop of Soroca and Vicar of the Metropolis of Moldova. Numerous priests and deacons assisted the arch-pastors during the service.

    Nothing is holier, more inspiring, grater, more solemn and more life-giving than Liturgy. During the service of the Divine Liturgy, the Church becomes Heaven on earth, while the officiating priests represent Christ Himself, and pray along with the angels, cherubims, seraphims, and apostles. Numerous pilgrims present in the Church that houses the Tomb of the Lord said that they felt paschal joy during this nocturnal service on the night of Saturday to Sunday. This was Pascha in the middle of winter.

    After the Lord’s Prayer, priests and numerous Moldovan pilgrims participating in the service received the Holy Communion from the hands of the arch-pastors.

    The Resurrection Church in the Holy Land is the most important shrine of Christianity that every Christian dreams to visit at least once in the lifetime.

    This church building is placed in the centre of a big ecclesiastical complex and represents the Cathedral of the Orthodox Patriarchy of Jerusalem.

    Orthodox services are officiated daily in this shrine, and during holidays, Divine Liturgy is celebrated by many priests and arch-pastors.

    A delegation of the Orthodox Church of Moldova conducted by Metropolitan Vladimir is visiting the Holy Land (Israel) during  4-12 December 2022. During this time, 178 Moldovan pilgrims visited the most widely known shrines of Christianity: churches built on important sites related to the life of our Lord Jesus Christ or on the tombs of holy martyrs of the first centuries of Christian era.

    Synodal Sector of Institutional Communication and Mass-Media Relations