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    March 2025
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  • Graduates of the Orthodox Theological Academy and the Orthodox Theological Seminary “Holy Hierarch Gavriil” from mun. Chisinau took the oath of allegiance to the Church

    Graduates of the Orthodox Theological Academy and the Orthodox Theological Seminary “Saint Hierarch Gavriil” from mun. Chisinau took the oath of allegiance to the Church on Monday, June 5, 2023. Traditionally, this event takes place on the day of the Feast of the Holy Spirit.

    In the morning of the day, the young theology graduates participated in the Holy Mass and te-deum service in the student chapel “Saints Three Hierarchs” in the premises of the institution.

    After the Divine Liturgy, the graduates read the oath of faithfulness in the presence of His Eminence Vladimir, Metropolitan of Chisinau and all Moldova, Rector of the Orthodox Theological Academy of Moldova, the metropolitan secretary, Archpriest Vadim Cheibaș, PhD, the pro-rector of the theological institution, Archpriest Vetcislav Cazacu, the teaching priests, parents and guests.

    After taking the oath of allegiance to the Church, His Eminence Metropolitan Vladimir addressed a word of congratulations to the graduates, wishing them to be true servers of the Altar and to fearlessly preach the saving Truth of the Gospel.

    For his part, the pro-rector of the Academy of Orthodox Theology, archpr. Vetcislav Cazacu, thanked His Eminence for his paternal care for the Academy and Theological Seminary, noting that both teachers and students remain obedient to the Arch-pastor, ready to listen to his guidance and advice for the growth of faith.

    Once again this year, His Eminence presented medals to the graduates who have distinguished themselves during their years of study, as a sign of the Archpriest’s gratitude for their diligent work for the good and the greatness of the Holy Orthodox Church of Moldova.


    Synodal Sector of Institutional Communication and Mass-Media Relations