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    October 2024
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  • His Eminence Metropolitan Vladimir conducted the celebration of the Divine Liturgy on the day of the official proclamation of the Icon of the Mother of God from Zloți Monastery

    His Eminence Vladimir, Metropolitan of Chisinau and All Moldova, celebrated the Divine Liturgy on the 16th Sunday after the Pentecost at the Stavropigial St. George Monastery  in Zloți, Cimislia.

    Today’s divine service also celebrated the proclamation of the honoring of the Icon of Our Lady of Zloți Monastery.

    Concelebrating to the arch-pastor were Protopriest Vadim Cheibais, Metropolitan Secretary, Archim. Tobie (Boboc), abbot of the monastery, Protopriest Veniamin Onu, missionary priest in Italy, Protopriest Vasile Damaschi, Dean of Căușeni, Protopriest Nicolae Andrieș, Chairman of the Synodal Sector for Pastoral Activity in Penitentiary Institutions, as well as a group of priests and deacons.

    At the Small Entrance, Fr. Vadim Cheibais, the Metropolitan Secretary, read the Minutes of the Holy Synod of the Orthodox Church of Moldova on the Proclamation of the Wonder-working Icon of the Mother of God of Zloți Monastery, Minutes No. 006 of October 25, 2023, and then Fr. Tobie related the history of this Holy Icon,

    As a sign of gratitude for the work done, the Metropolitan awarded Fr. Tobie a metropolitan distinction – Category II Order of St. Hierarch Gavriil Banulescu-Bodoni; prot. Veniamin Onu was awarded the medal “St. Hierarch Dionysius Dionysius Erhan”, and hierodeacon Vichentie (Focșa) – the right to wear double orarrion.

    After the Great Entrance, hierodiacon Iov (Newbie) was ordained by the Primate in the step of hieromonk, on behalf of the Monastery.

    The celebration of the Holy Liturgy was followed by the consecration of the Icon and the shrine dedicated to the Mother of God, then a procession around the Holy Church with Gospel readings was officiated .

    At the end His Eminence Metropolitan Vladimir congratulated all the faithful present and those who for blessed reasons were not here today, on the occasion of the proclamation of the Holy Icon of the Mother of God from the Monastery of Zloți, an icon with a special history, with grace and blessing from God for our country Moldova and its Christians.

    In conclusion, all the faithful received an icon of Our Lady, followed by a fraternal feast organized by the monastic community.

    Synodal Sector for Institutional Communication and Media Relations