Dear sorrowful relatives,
With profound sadness we received the news of passing to the eternity of one of the most prolific figures of our national culture – prima-donna Maria Biesu.
Through her enthusiasm and talent, she has become a symbol of the National Opera, taking far abroad the name of our Motherland.
Working with devotion, she gained numerous international titles, everywhere being overwhelmed with laud and honors. However, her fame never distanced her from the Motherland, making her one of the most devoted promoters of national values.
Being of a disarming simplicity, she managed to gather around herself numerous admirers, for whom she was a model and a mentor, and who today, in this hard moment of parting, bequeath her passing to the eternity.
Along with being a famous soprano, Maria Biesu was a good Christian, entering into our memories as an outstanding church singing interpreter, for the spiritual delight of the parishioners of St. Hierarch Nicholas church in Chisinau.
In these hard moments, we pray to All-Merciful God that He rest the soul of His servant Maria in peace, in His Heavenly Kingdom, and alleviate the sorrowful relatives.
Memory eternal!
† Vladimir, Metropolitan of Chisinau and All Moldova