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    March 2025
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  • On the Feast of the Right-Faithful Prince Stephan the Great, Metropolitan Vladimir celebrated the Divine Liturgy in the church of All Saints who shone in the lands of Moldova

    Wednesday, 15 July 2020, on the Feast of the Right-Faithful Prince Stephan the Great, Metropolitan Vladimir of Chisinau and All Moldova conducted the service of the Divine Liturgy in the Church of All Saints who shone in the lands of Moldova, in Riscani sector of Chisinau.

    His Grace Ioan, Bishop of Soroca and Metropolitan Vicar, concelebrated to the First Hierarch of the Moldovan Church. The hierarchs were assisted at the service by, archpriest Vadim Cheibas, Metropolitan Secretary, arhimandrite Nicolae Rosca, the confessor and administrator of the Monastery of Ciuflea, archpriest Boris Papuc, the parish rector, archpriest Iurie Zagnat, dean of the 4th church circumscription of Chisinau, and other clergy.

    Present at the service among numerous church-goers was Mr. Igor Dodon, President of the Republic of Moldova.

    The liturgical community uttered prayers to Saint Stephan the Great, asking for heavenly protection of our country and people.

    During the service, archpriest Boris Papuc, the parish rector, was awarded a high church distinction with the right of celebrating the Divine Liturgy with the Holy Doors open till the Lord’s Prayer.

    After the Liturgy, Metropolitan Vladimir addressed a message of congratulation and spiritual guidance to the praying community, inviting them to follow the example self-denial and piety of the Holy Prince Stephan the Great.

    Synodal Sector of Institutional Communication and Mass-Media Relations