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  • Archives

    March 2025
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  • Archives

  • Congratulation message of Patriarch Kirill addressed to His Eminence Vladimir, Metropolitan of Chisinau and all Moldova, on the 30th anniversary of arch-pastoral mission

    To His Eminence Vladimir, Metropolitan of Chisinau and all Moldova, permanent member of the Holy Synod of the Russian Orthodox Church

    Your Eminence!

    I cordially congratulate you on the 30th anniversary of arch-pastoral mission, 30 years of your chairing of the Diocese of Chisinau, and, in advance, on the celebration of your Heavenly protector.

    You were bestowed the Grace of the Holy Spirit, under the guidance of Whom you became bishop of Christ’s Church on the day when we celebrate Kazan Icon of the Theotokos. Since then you have done your best to fulfil with eagerness and responsibility your arch-pastoral mission.

    I am pleased to state the care that you prove in the strengthening of life in the diocese entrusted to you conduction: under your guidance, churches and monasteries are renovated, new holy settlements are built, important social initiatives and projects are implemented that contribute to the moral-spiritual and patriotic education of people in our days and ensure inter-ethnic peace and social harmony.

    Your contribution is substantial and precious for the harmonization of the relations between the Church and state in the Republic of Moldova. I hope this collaboration will continue to bring good results.

    Considering your efforts as arch-pastor, and on this significant occasion, I find it appropriate to handle to you a commemorative Panagia.

    With the protection of the Mother of God and with the prayers of Holy Prince Vladimir Equal-to-the Apostles, may God refresh and fill your spiritual and bodily strength, enabling you to continue your worthy service for the Holy Church.

    With love in Christ,

    Patriarch of Moscow and all Russia
