With the blessing of Metropolitan Vladimir of Chisinau and Moldova, the Sunday of the Triumph of Orthodoxy was celebrated in the Metropolitan Cathedral with the Divine Liturgy officiated by His Grace Vicar Bishop Siluan of Orhei.
The Cathedral was replenished with church-goers, who participated in the Divine Liturgy of St. Basil the Great, waiting for the Communion with the Body and Blood of Christ.
The Orthodox Church celebrates on the Sunday of the Orthodoxy, called also Triumph of Orthodoxy, jubilating the victory of the Holy Church over heresies and schisms that appeared across centuries and were denounced during Seven OEcumenical Councils. The Feast of the Triumph of Orthodoxy was established in 843, in Constantinople, after the iconoclasm heresy was finally combated by right-faithful bishops and priests. The fathers of the Seventh OEcumenical Council stated that by venerating holy icons and relics, Orthodox Christians worship Lord Jesus Christ, whose image is presented in the icon, and by venerating the icons of the Most Holy Virgin Mary and Mother of God, and of the saints who pleased God with their holy life, Christians give glory to God and to the saints who managed to restore their image and likeness of God through their righfulness, ascetic deeds or martyrdom.
In the end of the Divine Liturgy, His Grace Bishop Siluan and the concelebrating clergy officiated a Te-Deum service, giving glory to God for the Triumph of Orthodoxy.
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