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    October 2024
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  • Ascension of the Lord, the Patron Feast of the Noul Neamţ Monastery in Chiţcani

    Thursday, 25th May, on the Great Feast of the Ascension of the Lord, His Eminence Metropolitan Vladimir of Chisinau and All Moldova celebrated the Divine Liturgy in the Noul Neamţ Monastery in the village of Chiţcani, Slobozia region.

    Concelebrating to the archpastor of the Orthodox Church of Moldova was Archbishop Iustinian of Elista and Kalmykia, Archpriest Vadim Cheibas, the Metropolitan Secretary, Archimandrite Paisie (Cecan), the monk superior of the Noul Neamt Monastery, and a numerous synaxis of priests and deacons, praying in the presence of hundreds of pilgrims who came to share the spiritual joy of the Feast.

    During the Small Entrance, Archpriest Vasile Bălăţel, missionary priest in the city of Milano, Italy, was rewarded by the Archpastor with the right of wearing the jewelled cross, in sign of appreciation of prodigious missionary and pastoral activity.

    After the Liturgy, the praying community engaged in a cross procession around the monastery’s main church, and then a Memorial Litany was officiated in the crypt of reposed Bishop Dorimedont who started the renovation of the Noul-Neamt Monastery in early 1990s, after the collapse of the soviet regime.

    Metropolitan Vladimir thanked the monastic community and all people of good will, for the maintenance in good order of this pearl and centre of Orthodox spirituality on the bank of the Dniester River.

    Synodal Sector of Institutional Communication and Relations with the Mass-Media