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    October 2024
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  • Sunday before the Theophany, at the Nativity of the Lord Cathedral in Chisinau

    On the Sunday before the Theophany (Baptismal of the Lord), which coincided this year with the Feast of St. Seraphim of Sarov (2/15 January), His Eminence Metropolitan Vladimir celebrated the Divine Liturgy in the Nativity of the Lord Metropolitan Cathedral in Chisinau.

    The Metropolitan was assisted at the Service by the metropolitan secretary and Cathedral Dean, Archpriest Vadim Cheibas and the Cathedral clergy. Concelebrating to the Archpastor was also Archpriest Veniamin Onu, the rector of St. Nicholas Church in Vicenza, Italy, who readily accepted the metropolitan’s invitation to concelebrate at the Divine Liturgy in the Central Cathedral of Moldova.

    St. Seraphim is known and loved as one of the poles of the Orthodox Church. He was born and lived in Russia in the second half of the 17th c – first half of the 18th c. St. Seraphim is known for numerous ascetic deeds and very pious life, and is venerated as a fervent prayer and intercessor for all those who call for his help in prayers.

    You loved Christ from your youth, O blessed one, / and longing to work for Him alone you struggled in the wilderness in constant prayer and labour. / With penitent heart and great love for Christ you were favoured by the Mother of God. / Therefore we cry to you: / “Save us by your prayers, venerable Seraphim, our father.”

    Troparion to St. Seraphim, Tone 4


    During the Divine Service, the Archpastor, the clergy and the laity present in the Holy Church uttered prayers and litanies to our most holy reverend and God-bearing father Seraphim the Wonderworker of Sarov, asking him for holy intercession for our people, country and Church before the throne of the Lord.

    Synodal Sector of Institutional Communication and Relations with the Mass-Media