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    September 2024
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     „This is the day when the One Who created the world

    Came into the world”

    (Blessed Augustine, Homily 195)






              Your Graces Archpastors of our Holy Church,

    Honourable priests and deacons,

    Venerable monastics,

    Beloved brothers and sisters in Christ,



    With much spiritual joy, I announce you that Son of God came into the world, that the world is saved through Him. The Feast of the glorious Nativity of our Saviour Jesus Christ gives us reason and invites us to think with joy about God’s love. He never abandoned and does not abandon us. Man fell and God comes to raise him. Man became distant, and God comes close, and “as many as received Him, to them He gave the right to become children of God” (John 1, 12).

    By His nativity and coming into the world, God shows us a model of love and forgiveness. Christ teaches us how to love with self-sacrifice and how to forgive and live in communion and unity. It is very important in our times to learn this lesson of divine love “born in the crib”. Our souls and our hearts should become today the crib in which love, mercy, and compassion should be born.

    The times are hard and there is much disturbance in the world nowadays. Not only one Herod is disturbed today, and tumult spreads not only in Jerusalem, but also in the whole world. However, let us not despair and not lose balance due to this uproar.

    Let us be encouraged by the thought about our Saviour Jesus Christ, Who came down from Heavenly glory and brought peace and goodwill among people. And in the joy of His Nativity, shall us sing together with the saints and Mother of God: “My soul magnifies the Lord, and my spirit has rejoiced in God my Saviour (Luke 1: 46-47).

    The nativity of the Saviour Infant is the beginning of pacification between man and God, of our spiritual rebirth, and, in fact, is the foundation of Christian life. Embodiment of Eternal God shows to the entire humanity endless love and goodness of Divine Trinity towards the world.

    The mystery of coming into the world of our Lord Jesus Christ, as expression of God’s utmost love and goodness to people, and the teaching of Holy Apostles and Fathers of the Church about the richness and goodness of hearts and good acts, brings much light and hope in our souls, urges unceasing philanthropic work everywhere and all the time.

    In these holy and saving days, when we announce in ancient carols the coming into the world of our Lord and Saviour, our Holy Church, in her love of spiritual mother, calls us continuously to good acts and cultivation of love of our neighbour, offering support to those in disease, soothing to those in sadness, food to the hungry ones, and bringing to everybody Christ Who is “gentle and lowly in heart” (Matthew 11: 29)

    Beloved brothers and sisters,

    On the glorious and bright Feast of the Nativity of our Lord Jesus Christ in the cave of Bethlehem, I address to all sons and daughters of the Holy Orthodox Church of Moldova congratulations and wishes for peace, saving joy and holy achievements.

    I paternally call you, right-faithful Christians from the country and abroad, to keep our Orthodox faith unaltered and vivid, to become faithful witnesses of the Truth and spiritual unity around the Lord’s Altar.

    Let us rejoice together, glorifying and lauding Infant Christ!


    May you all have holidays full of grace!

    God bless you!



    With arch-pastoral and paternal blessings,





    Nativity of the Lord,

    Year of salvation 2021/2022,
