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    March 2025
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  • Let us give praise to Blessed Agafia, for “praise is comely for the upright” (Ps. 33, 1)

    Saturday, 24 September, the Holy Dormition of the Theotokos Monastery of Cuselauca village, Soldanesti region, hosted a historical event for our Church and Motherland – the beatification service of Blessed Agafia (Maranciuc).

    Numerous church-goers from all corners of the country and from abroad came to the Monastery of Cuselauca, to give glory to the Lord and to pray and give due praise to Blessed Agafia.

    The Divine Liturgy was officiated by the Archpastor of the Orthodox Church of Moldova, His Eminence Metropolitan Vladimir, assisted by HE Sava, Archbishop of Tiraspol and Dubasari, HE Alexei Archbishop of Balta and Ananiev (Ukraine), HG Petru, Bishop of Ungheni and Nisporeni, HG Anatolie, Bishop of Cahul and Comrat, HG Marchel, Bishop of Balti and Falesti, HG Nicodim, Bishop of Edinet and Briceni, and HG Ioan, Bishop of Soroca and Vicar of the Metropolis of Moldova.

    During the Divine Service, the last Memorial Service was celebrated for Blessed Agafia, after which the Beatification Tomos and brief life of Holy and Blessed Agafia were read out.

    Following the Divine Liturgy, a Thanks-giving Te-Deum service was celebrated, giving glory to the Lord in thankfulness for His utmost mercy to our Church and its people.

    “Beatification of Blessed Agafia is a very important event in our spiritual life, who has become a great intercessor for our right-faithful people before the All-Good God”, mentioned the Archpastor of the Orthodox Church of Moldova in their pastoral message.

    Metropolitan Vladimir thanked all those who participated, years in a row, in the research of the beatification portfolio of novice Agafia (Maranciuc), especially to Hegumeness Vera (Spinei), Mother-Superior of Cuselauca Monastery, the members of the Moldovan Saints beatification commission and its Chairman Bishop Petru of Ungheni and Nisporeni.

    In the end, the Metropolitan, the hierarchs, priests and lay Christians, came up solemnly to the shrine with the holy relics of Blessed Agafia, giving her due veneration.

    Holy Blessed Agafia is celebrated on the day of her movement to the eternity, 9 (22) June.

    Let us rejoice together for our Lord made us worthy of one more intercessor who prays for us. Let us give praise to Blessed Agafia, for “praise is comely for the upright” (Ps. 33, 1)

    Blessed Agafia, pray to the Lord for us!

    Synodal Sector of Institutional Communication and Relations with Mass-Media



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